Saturday, August 21, 2010

Infinite moments

An MBSR participant shared a profound experience while practicing mindfulness, walking in the mountains. He saw interesting cloud formations and realised that this was the perfect moment to do his "homework" - practicing the pause and moment to moment awareness (not realizing that he was already being mindfull by recognizing the moment to be mindful).
He gathered his awareness and focussed on the clouds, becoming aware of the wind and the sun. He became totally immersed in the experience and suddenly connected to the infinity of time and the timeless quality of time - becoming acutely aware of every moment and the fluidity of time - every moment we become aware of is already gone and so is this moment and so on.

This endless fluid mercury like quality of time passes unnoticed, subtle and almost secretly untill one day we look back in shock and ask - where did the time go? What did I do with my life?And realising with dread that there is no more time to follow our dreams. The art in living comes with the skill of capturing small moments and tapping into the infinity of these moments - all our experiences are important in the tapestry of life..... without shadows we can't see the lights and our lives will be a bland canvass. Perhaps it is time to step our of automatic mode and connect to every priceless moment every day...... moment to moment, minute by minute, hour to hour, day by day, year to year.... to live our lives in the present, every day and not in past memories and future fears.

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